Thursday, March 31, 2011

Look and Learn!

Hitler giving a speech!

Clothes Jews were to wear!!

Concentration Camps!!

German Army (nazis)!!


Jewish Ghettos!!

Jewish People Being Shot to die!!

Jewish Children!!

Jewish Propaganda!!

Historical Context:

  • The Jewish Holocaust started 1938 when Hitler blamed all of the Jews for loosing the World War 1. Hitler came into power in 1933 and he hated and discriminated against all jews. He saw them as blonde hair, blue eyes, big nose,and fair skin tone he saw them as a the master race. 
  • He then got people to believe that Jews were bad and were the main reason why they lost the War. He then create a huge army called the Nazi. The Nazi's job was to enforce Hitlers Laws and eliminate all Jews
  • Then Hitler created these horrible, dirty, and they were called Ghettos and they were treated like trash and they didn't care about them! Hitler had a dirty yet smart way of weakening all of the Jews and mentally and physically. He came up with a way of making all jews miserable and desperate for help. 
  • He then Came up with these other places called Concentration Camps in which all Jews were to work and if the were little kids or homo sexual or disabled they were sent to the gas chambers. Nazi had other ways of killing Jews by shooting them or just by starvation. The Nazis had no heart for any Jews because of what jews supposedly did. 
  • Then in 1939, Hitler moved his german troops to Poland which was home to 3 million Jews. In which he built more ghettos there and the most famous ones were Lodz, and Krakow. More that 10,000 died because of diseases and starvation. Hitler was finally getting what he wants a full elimination of all Jews. 
  • Himmler then demanded Auschwitz in which it had four large gas chambers used for mass extermination. He came up with the idea of gas chambers  "mercy killing" of sick and disabled persons in Germany and Austria by Nazi doctors. Millions of jews were killed by gas chambers in which they were going to shower.
  • Jews were then demanded to work a daily labor or then they would be sent to be killed. The Nazi then became more harsh and had not tolerance for nothing. Anything that a jew wasn't  suppose to do they would be eliminated.
  •  Hitler then made some laws that Jews had to follow.  All jews were notr allowed to be citzens of germany. They also could not marry non-jews and could not have sexual relations with non jews. 
  • In july of 1938 Jewish synagogue was destroyed and a lot of jews were upset. All of this happened because hitler hated anything that had to do with the Jews. Hitler found anyway to make all jews upset and knowing they wont fight back.
  • Jews were being killed by the thousand each day more and more Jews were bought into larger concentration camps to take their last breathe. Hitler was getting closer to his goal after all and everyday he would get even more powerful. The German Army got bigger and bigger because Hitler was under their control.
  • In october 1944 that gas chambers were used for the last time at Auschwitchs. A lot of Camps were destroyed. They destroyed all of the evidence to show like nothing was ever there and to hide all of their same.
  • Then one day Hitler was faced with a impeding defeat. Hitler then Committed suicide and then Europe surrendered. Then Nazi soldiers who survived were put on trial.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Anne Franks Stage Adoption!

       This play was about Anne frank and her family having to go into hiding until the holocaust ended. This play took place in 1942 during the war. At the beginning of the play the Franks enter first and are given all of the rules then they are taken into there rooms. The frank then invite the Van Dann's to live with them in the hideout place. Mr.frank gives Anne her first Diary. The Van Danns then get settled into the hideout place and then they given to move in to each room! So now it is The Franks and The Van Danns. In the beginning of the movie Mr. Frank informs everybody that after everybody leaves from below they can do whatever they want. Peter Van Dann was a very quiet person and didn't say very much at the beginning of the play all he would do is make fun of Anne! Then more toward the middle of the play Anne says that things started to become a daily routine. Then Meip brings a close friend named Mr. Dussel he was a jewish dentist. He joins the Franks and the Van Danns and they gladly help him out. Mr.Dussel informs them that things are going for okay to worst people that they knew from before are starting to disappear. Anne and Mr. Dussel dont get along. The Franks say that they left a false letter stating that the Franks  moving to Switzerland to escape from the Nazi soldiers. One night they hear noise at the bottom in the office they get scared and want to find out what is going out. Then Mr. Frank has no choice but to go outside and see what is happening so he can see if they are out of danger. Then they find out that there was a robber and he took the cashbox and a stereo. Then they are worried because peter falls off the chair and they are scared because the robber can go snitch. Towards the middle end you find out that peter and Anne like each other and they begin to have a serious relationship. Mr. Dussel also tells the bad news that carl a worker from the office below is  suspicions that there are people living upstairs and is blackmailing Mr. Kraler. During Hanukka Anne decides to have a dinner and give everybody there own gift. They sing, eat and have a good time. At the end of the play everybody is begining to starve. Mr. Van Dann is cought stealing food and Mrs. Frank demands that they should kick him out of the house. Then they decide not to kick him out because if they kick out one Van Dann they have to kick out all the Van Danns. At the very end the Nazis find the Franks and the Van Danns and they are sent to consentration camps.